No, the title is not a “sense of urgency” marketing tactic to get you to use our services.
Well, actually it is, but even so, it’s important for you to consider the title’s advice, regardless of how you practice SEO - or with whom.

SEO means conducting your internet business in a way that search engines (Google’s share of the search engine market in March 2009 was over 80% - up from 75% a year ago) find appealing.
Search engines, like the rest of us, are in business to make money. Like the rest of us, they have customers and competition and they must constantly strive to make sure their product is the best option for their target markets.
Their product is search results, and to provide the best product, they spend incredible amounts of time and money devising formulae to determine the most relevant results for any term an internet searcher might use.
Being the key to their operation, search engines diligently guard their formulae. Internet marketing companies spend incredible amounts of time and money trying to determine what are the formulae so they can offer their clients a quicker route to the top of search results.
There are a few basic criteria that are not too difficult to figure out.
If you use
search engine marketing tactics to make your landing page or site more relevant to the search terms used by potential customers, it will rank higher in search results.
There is only one thing that can defeat relevancy. If your web site, particularly its URL, is new, the search engines must first find and register the site’s existence. In an increasingly competitive and crowded webosphere, that sometimes takes a month or more. Then the engine will “watch” your site to see who visits, who links to it and how relevant is the content. That monitoring takes another couple months, or more.
In other words, if its new, the most relevant web site in internet history, with answers to life, the universe and everything (thank you Douglas Adams), will probably not get search engine rankings for at least five or six months and a decent ranking won't happen for about a year.
The bottom line is, the sooner you get your new site up and running, the sooner you will be able to start developing the sort of content and track record the search engines look for to determine relevancy and rank your site.
By Stephen Da Cambra