Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Is Google Adwords Becoming Too Competitive

I was at a search engine optimization seminar the other day and when the question and answer period arrived there were many small businesses complaining about the competitiveness of Google Adwords. They claimed that it is becoming too competitive for small bussinesses to afford the cost of the clicks each month, and wanted to know if Google Adwords is still viable.

Yes the cost of each click is going up as many advertisers both big and small start to focus their budgets on the Internet. In our opinion Google Adwords is still viable even though the cost has gone up because it is still a fast and easy way to drive traffic to your business.

The challenges with this style of marketing is it's fast and furious.

If you want to be successful in this market it is critical that you focus on three things.

1. You have a well thought out strategy with adwords based on keywords, ad, and budget.
2. You have a website that is very effective and proven to convert traffic into leads/customers.
3. You have a way to track and measure these results to adjust the campaign until you are able to get it to work.

Without any of these three elements you are setting yourself up for failure.

With our clients we would never think of running a campaign without all three variables in place and this is why for them Google Adwords has proven to provide a great return on their investment.

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